The Magic Flute • 2021
Royal Opera house

Brenda Rae steps into Covent Garden in this role, taking no prisoners and leaving no cracks in her vengeful armor. Her staccato arpeggios explode like broken diamonds, in the second aria even better than the first.
— Olyrix

“Brenda Rae is a tremendous Queen of the Night, with her formidable and alluring presence complemented by the most delicate coloratura in ‘Der Hölle Rache’ as if it stands as an eye at the centre of the storm.”
Opera Online

“American coloratura Brenda Rae made an auspicious house debut as the Queen of the Night – secure and firm in ‘O zittre nicht’, and rightly bringing the house down with her spitfire coloratura in ‘Der Hölle Rache’.”

“Brenda Rae’s astonishingly accurate, far from entirely unsympathetic Queen of the Night impressed…”
Seen and Heard International

“Brenda Rae menaces vividly as the Queen of the Night…”
The Sunday Times

“Rae, as Queen of the Night, delivered her second act aria with terrifyingly appropriate rage…”

“ With a hotline to wrath and vengeance, Brenda Rae’s Queen of the Night was excellent in her first aria and then swept all before in her in a stupendous ‘Der Hölle Rache’.”
Classical Source

“Brenda Rae’s helium-level coloratura for her Queen of the Night soared high and free in Act 2 and gave a scintillating account of “Der Hölle Rache”.”

“The Queen of the Night, pursues her revenge through minor keys and coloratura virtuosity. Brenda Rae steps into Covent Garden in this role, taking no prisoners and leaving no cracks in her vengeful armor. Her staccato arpeggios explode like broken diamonds, in the second aria even better than the first…”